Misheála Russell and Aisha White meet up in Chattanooga to sip tea and talk communication and poetry.
“Life will write the words, but you choose your own melody. Yes, life has given me hurt, but I choose my own melody.”
– Circa 46, The Rocket Summer
Girl at the Rock Show
I met Misheála Russell three years ago at a The Rocket Summer concert. She was attending the concert with a good friend and so was I. We had chosen to take part in the VIP meet and greet which included a pre-show hangout and intimate acoustic set played by the man behind the band, Bryce Avary. The, in his own words, “grown-up” version of the song Light he played on a guitar tuned low is something that’s hard to forget. Misheála is pretty hard to forget too.
A Poet with Good Vibes
When you meet Misheála, you’re welcomed with a huge smile, a wave of hair and warmth that makes you almost swear you two have hung out before. Standing outside waiting for venue doors to open, my friend and I struck up a conversation with Misheála and her friend. I don’t remember many details of the conversation besides us stating where we lived and probably recounting the times we’d seen Bryce live.
We exchanged social media information and we’ve been digital acquaintances ever since. Constantly in each other’s spheres, I remained inspired by Misheála’s creative drive. I read the poetry she shared, watched performances she took part in and witnessed the birth of an event she produced and hosted.
I’d comment on her work and share how it inspired me to want to see through my goal of sharing the ideas floating around in my brain. It’s honestly pointless to allow those creative ideas to reside in your brain. Putting the ideas out there is what makes them real. It’s what creates the opportunity to reach others and relate with them on levels you may never have anticipated.
Misheála obviously knew this because she was succeeding at doing just that. She was sharing her words and witnessing the ways in which her act of creative expression served as an outlet and source of encouragement for many in need of support and a listening ear.
In the back of my head I knew there was potential for us to meet again and even borrow some inspiration from one another. There was the realization that she would be the perfect subject for an interview via my YouTube channel. I decided I would ask if she would like to sit down and talk through her creative process with me.
Meeting Up and Talking Poetry
Around the time I thought up this idea, she announced she would be hosting the second installment of what was a successful gathering of creative ladies called Words with Women at the end of April. I really wanted to attend the event but I had an interview lined up during that time and even tried convincing myself I’d be able to complete this interview and somehow make the two-hour drive to Chattanooga for the event despite them happening at around the same relative time.
I admit I tend to be a bit of a dreamer when it comes to the limitations of time. Although I unfortunately missed the event, I got the pleasure of meeting her weeks later to enjoy a thought-provoking and truly relatable conversation about creativity, particularly writing and performing poetry, and how she uses that creative tool to communicate with others.
She picked an adorable tea shop in downtown Chattanooga as the location of our interview. We enjoyed chai teas and I had my first foamy drink ever! This won’t be the last time we sit down to share a conversation. It can’t be. With The Rocket Summer recently announcing an upcoming album and fall tour, I think we’ve got the perfect setting for our next meetup.
Misheála was kind enough to share the names and motivations behind many creatives she surrounds herself with. Follow them at these handles:
• Kae’sha Russell – Personal IG: @kaesha.nicole; Music IG: @kaesha.music; Bullet Journal IG: @theblasianalchemist
• Juanita Montgomery – @officiallyjuanita
• Kidz in a Korner – @kidzinakorner is comprised of: Jasmine Burson (@jtrafl), an artist and co-founder of
Solvant Garde and Tavi Spice (@tavispice), a
videographer/producer/co-founder of Solvant Garde
(@solvantgarde) and Mishy&Tavi (@mishyandtavi)
• Garrell Woods: @garrellwoods, has podcast with his sister
Aisha Woods (@bigchickcomedy)
• Kimmie J Soul: @kimmiejsoullive
• Emms: @blacksheepindigo
• Phenom the Creative (Caleb): @phenom_the_creative
• Elyssia: @thequirkyjournalist; Jewelry business: @wewearbling