I was a wailer with all my might
Mostly in the middle of the night
Through teary eyes I could barely see
But heard the little bird as he came to me
Like that of Marley’s he sang a sweet song
Mornings I’d wake to find my ears did long
To hear my feathered friend speak & sing
Closed my eyes was enveloped in his wing
Performed near a window or among trees
At the center of each note were intricacies
Was he who gave my heart a rhythmic beat
Though it seemed I was facing defeat
Expressions of love and genuine care
Brought to life with songbird there
When time came for him to take to the sky
I worried my well would run dry
Yet every little thing all was all right
Just like nothing else the beauty in his flight
My fears eased as the little bird did return
Brought music, doubts no longer a concern
He’d spend hours, at times all day
Chirped til in my mind memories would stay
The little bird was blue and so was I too
Til he sang melodies pure and true